invoke for Retail

Generative AI for Retail

Power your marketing campaigns and asset production workflows with Invoke. Quickly produce campaign photography and turn product design concepts into intricate renders—all while retaining complete control over your intellectual property.
The Invoke canvas.
Streamline product photography and e-commerce asset management.
The Invoke canvas.
Accelerate campaign turnaround without comprising visual cohesiveness and brand authenticity.
The Invoke canvas.
Quickly brainstorm, create, and iterate on clothing and product designs that fit within your brand identity.
Use Case
use case
Iterate, Quickly
Quickly design multiple versions of a product line.
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Sketch to Full Render
Transform your hand-drawn sketches into stunning, fully-rendered works in seconds.
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More Articles
The Invoke canvas.
How to Build a Custom AI Image Model Trained on Your Company's Content
The Invoke canvas.
How to Choose an AI Image Generator for Your Business
Can I transfer my ComfyUI workflows to Invoke?
Can I create custom nodes in Invoke?
Where can I see what nodes are available in Invoke?
Start Free
Invoke Indie comes fully loaded with all the features you need to get started generating production-ready assets and workflows. Sign up for a free trial and start exploring everything that Invoke has to offer.
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Talk to Us
Contact us to discuss options for Enterprise licenses, which can include custom model and workflow development, single tenant hosting, and added security & compliance features like SSO, as well as volume discounts for users.
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